Grandpa and Grandma Boman. They are my paternal grandfathers maternal grandparents, my great-great grandparents. Honestly, I did not know much, if anything about them. It was very interesting to read their history, as I grew up knowing the places they talked about.
Growing up we played in the barn John William built... but usually only when my city cousins came! Otherwise, it was simply Grandpa's barn and not much draw for us who saw it daily. I remember when cows were in the corral in the front, but just barely.
I can remember going with Grandpa Byron sometimes and he would tell us to kick the hay into the manger along the east side so that the cows would be able to reach it while he would fork more in for them. I can remember bales going on the elevator to the hay loft. I was to young to help at that time, but I remember going up and running around in the loft while the bales were pushed up the long elevator.
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JW Boman Barn 2015 |
I've known the Boman farm was combined with the Glover farm, through Grandpa Byron. In the Boman book mentioned above, it says that Golden Boman (son of John William and Fannie Boman) approached my Grandpa Byron (son of Florence Boman, Golden's sister) in 1968 and asked if he would like to purchase the Boman farm. Thus, the Boman and Glover farms were combined and are now the Glover Farm. On January 4, 1896, Utah officially became a state. 100 years later, in 1996, Grandpa Byron and my dad, Brent and the Glover Farm were recognized as a Utah State Centennial Farm. In other words, the same family has owned the Glover and Boman farm for 100 years. I remember this award was presented at the county fair in Logan.
Also, the home that John William built in 1917, is directly across the street from my parents house. My dad's Aunt Dolores and Uncle Arlen lived there until last year. I remember going to visit them from the time I was very little. Their grandkids would also come visit them and often we would go play with them, or they would come to our house.
Today, I knew that it was time to wrap up this post and move on to the next. I had read and read and read various things with the Boman family. Grandpa and Grandma Boman are buried in the Richmond City Cemetery. I have been to this cemetery more times than I can count, however I do not remember ever visiting these graves. On a website called, Billiongraves.com, it not only shows a picture of the graves, but also gives a location. This was very helpful because Richmond does not have a sign that shows the burial plot of individual people. Come to find out, the location of their grave sites, is just down the lane from the Webb family, kind of in the North East side of the cemetery.
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Boman Monument 2017 |

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Richmond City Cemetery Boman graves marked |

As you can see to the left, John William is the only one that is known by Boman among his siblings (screenshot taken from the LDS genealogy website Family Search). John William removed the "W" due to a series of actions by his father, Hyrum that he was very ashamed of. He wanted to make a distinction that would set him and his family apart.
I will go into Hyrum's history more when I post about him, but so as to give continuity to the purpose of changing the sir name, I will give some detail about him now.
Hyrum took two additional wives after Hannah, John William's mother. The first plural wife was Maren Katherine Eskildsen, known as Trenie. Hyrum and Maren were married in May 1867 in Salt Lake City. She was 19 at the time of their marriage, he was 53. Seven additional children were born to Hyrum from this union. In November 1871, Hyrum took a third wife, Maren's younger sister, Karen Marie Eskildsen, known as Mary. She was only 14, he was 57. Eight children were born to this union, the final being born 6 months after Hyrum passed away.
According to the Boman book, Hannah did not approve of polygamous marriage. When Hyrum married the first Eskildsen sister it has been reported that he abandoned Hannah and their marriage and married Trenie without knowledge by Hannah. Hannah's youngest child, Jane Bowman was only 6 months old at this time.
Hyrum built a home across the street from Hannah and lived with the sisters. That home burned down so he then built two new homes for the sisters next to each other in Cherry Creek. Hannah stayed in Richmond. When the manifesto was issued to end polygamy in 1890, Hyrum was arrested and was forced to chose only one wife and he chose the youngest wife, Mary. There are some reports that he cared for each home, other reports were that he only cared for the sisters' homes.
As an accumulation of all this, John William was ashamed of his father. I was told by a Boman cousin that at a family reunion when her mother (who was born in 1923, grandchild to John William and Fannie) was a young child, he told the above story and asked his family to all vote on changing the family name by removing the "W". If they did not all agree, it would not be done. A vote was made to change the name, and it was agreed never to be spoken of again.
And, just as John William had asked, it wasn't spoken of again until approximately the year 2000. People from both the Boman and the Bowman posterity had been working on family history. They were struggling to find additional info regarding family lines. After a special fast, it was uncovered that this name change had happened. The mother mentioned above saw it as a duty and privilege to keep this secret for her grandfather. She would only allow a page at a time to be typed up in her attempt to keep this old family secret.
As for me? My thoughts on the big family secret? I had heard previously there had been a family secret as to why the name was changed, but until writing this, had never concerned myself too much about it.
Thinking about this story, I can only feel pride in John William and Fannie for setting that example for us, his posterity. I fully believe that even before his family was brought into this decision, he had discussed it at length with Fannie. Their history shows they were a team, I doubt this was any exception. I can understand why they felt at the time it would need to be kept a secret. Back then, it wasn't so removed to wed into polygamy and that wives were younger. Back then, the posterity was not so much removed from his father and polygamy beliefs either. Today, so much is different! I am proud of John William for putting his foot down and saying, "No! That is not ok!"
I do not judge Hyrum or any of those involved for what transpired. I was not there, I do not know the full story. Perhaps there was more than meets the eye that we do not know anymore. It is not our place to say if Hyrum was right or wrong. It is in God's hands now.
I hope that John William and Fannie realize that with the secret out and now in print, they have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. His father had taken a child bride and also abandoned his mother. This tells me that John William was a man of honor. I can only imagine how much he loved and valued Fannie. My Grandpa Byron, his grandson, was Byron Boman Glover. Grandpa Byron was very much a man of honor and love. Anyone that knew him can attest to this. I'd like to believe that Grandpa John William was very much like Grandpa Byron. I'd also like to believe that any hard feelings have long been smoothed over in the hereafter.
Edit 6/10/2017
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Today was the Boman Family reunion. Family arrived at the home pictured above that John William built in 1917-1919 to recreate the car picture (story below). After writing this, it was all very interesting for me! I wonder what John William would say if he had of been there to see the cars today.

There is still a beautiful old cabinet that was also built by John William.
There is a lot of original wood work through the home, such as these window sills.

One cousin mentioned to me that for a long time they had been told, and believed that the reason the "W" was removed, was because the Bowmans were horse thieves! And back in those days, that was the lowest of the low. That was stealing a persons way to get around, and also how many earned their livelihood. She did not know if there was any truth to that story, but for many years that is what they had been told until one year, the story that I mentioned above, was told at a family reunion.
Also, as a note of interest. There were several family members in attendance from John William's siblings. The Bowmans. As Dolores mentioned, until several years ago, we did not know about any of them! I can remember my mom telling me when I was younger, the way we knew if we were related, was if there was a "W" in Boman or not. Oh, how times have changed!
Herald Journal, Logan, Utah's primary newspaper, wrote an article about the above mentioned reunion and how the car picture was recreated. It was on the front page of Sunday, June 11, 2017 printing.
John William and Fannie Elizabeth Boman
Personal History
Personal History
John William was the sixth child in a family of eight children. He was born in a log house, with dirt floor and dirt roof, never knowing what it was like to have a pair of shoes until he was fifteen years old. He and his brothers all worked together. Their father would wrap their feet in burlap every morning whether it be going to the canyon for wood, helping in the brick yard, or working at the old time horse powered threshing machine.
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Wedding Certificate |
When Fannie Elizabeth Brower ask [sic] her mother if she could marry J.W. she said, ‘Yes Fannie, marry your J.W., he always has a good woodpile, he will be a good provider’. They were married 23 December 1883. His father gave them a wedding dance and supper in a two room log cabin. The place was packed, but they danced until the wee hours of the morning.
It was true, J.W. Boman was a good provider in all things. He owned 14 acres of land before he was married. Now he needed a home. He built a two room house, with a man hole to the attic, made from logs he got from the canyon. Their first seven children were born in this log house. He engaged in farming, brickwork, saw milling and threshing of grain.
He also built a stable for his horses, a log granary and a frame granary. From the canyon he secured wood to burn in his house and also some for his mother, who lived across the street. He furnished wood for the store, all cut into lengths, that could be used in their stove. He received merchandise from the store for pay, which helped with the needs of the family.
In 1890 he traded a team of horses, harnesses and a wagon to Ed Kent for 160 acres of land in Lewiston, known as poverty flat, where the sands blew and water was scarce. The land was in its original state, with trees and shrubbery covering much of it. It took a lot of work to get the farm in shape to grow crops.
In 1890 he traded a team of horses, harnesses and a wagon to Ed Kent for 160 acres of land in Lewiston, known as poverty flat, where the sands blew and water was scarce. The land was in its original state, with trees and shrubbery covering much of it. It took a lot of work to get the farm in shape to grow crops.
He lived in Richmond and traveled to Lewiston for approximately three years. It had many disadvantages, but he was not discouraged. He was progressive and few men were harder workers or more ambitious than he. During this time he moved both granaries to Lewiston to live in, while a frame house was being built on the farm, by Amasa Hodges. In the fall of 1894, the family welcomed their move into this home in Lewiston. The house had two rooms downstairs and two rooms upstairs. A few years later another room was added onto the west side for a kitchen. Not long after, a cellar was added with a kitchen or cook room over it. The frame house still stands today (1989) in good repair with a few changes. It is owned by Golden and Phoebe Boman, who have lived there since their marriage and have raised their eight children there. (Note in 2017: this home is still standing. It is across from LuDean Glover's home on 1600 West.)

He bought lumber from a saw mill in Mink Creek, Idaho, to build a barn. As a down payment he gave a team of horses, named Jam and Bolley. This was the family’s favorite team and they missed them very much. Hauling the lumber from Mink Creek to Lewiston was quite an undertaking. Jimmie Oldum from Franklin, Idaho, and other helped to build the barn. It had stalls for thirty-five cows, ten horses, calf pens, grain bins, etc. The barn is still standing and is now owned by Byron Glover (1984). (Note in 2017: Barn is still standing and is part of the Glover Farm run by Byron's son, Brent.)
Fannie was a busy farm woman. Besides all her other work, she would skim cream from the pans of milk and keep it fresh without refrigeration. When she collected enough, it was put into a dash churn and made into butter. To keep the butter fresh, she would wrap it in a white cloth, then put it in a bucket with some fresh green alfalfa. Tying a rope to the bucket, she would lower it down into the well, just above the water, to keep it cool. The butter sometimes grew to forty pounds. It would then be taken with some eggs to market and traded for things the family needed. Fannie took her turn taking them to the store. Many times she took them in a cart, with a baby on her lap, a smaller child by her side in the seat, a bigger child sitting on the shaves, by the singletree driving the horse and the eggs and butter in the bottom.
The cows J.W. had at this time were every color and size, grown in a mixed herd. They were not what he wanted. He arranged a trade with a Mr. White in Gentile Valley, for a good herd of Holstein cows. Each drove his herd to Treasurton, made the trade, and drove their new herd back to their homes. There were some calves in the Holstein herd and on the way home many people came out to see them. It was the first all Holstein herd in the valley. They were not accustomed to alfalfa for feed and the first night four cows became bloated and died. The rest of the herd did very well and gave lots of milk. It was a good trade.
Skim milk was a good feed for the pigs, so J.W. bought a hand turned cream separator. Not long after he purchased a pony treadmill, for separating the cream and milk. Elmer’s pony was used to run the tread mill and he was the one to take care of it and see that the pigs were fed. Pigs are known for being greedy and they never had sense enough to quit when they were full. The first ones to the trough would drink more milk than they should, so they bloated up like a cow — several died. The feeding method was changed and things went better.
Another hazard, the sows would have their young in the summer out in the field, in a ditch or by a fence. Then the coyotes would come at night and get some of the little pigs, occasionally all of them. The loss of the pigs meant a loss of income, so this was a difficult and serious problem to manage.
Around 1900 J.W. and a neighbor, Lewis Baker, agreed to buy a new threshing machine together. Before the machine was delivered, Baker decided to go to Canada, leaving J.W. alone with the machine. After using it for two years, he had a chance to sell it.
The 160 acres was producing alfalfa, wheat, oats and potatoes. Production was good and with the cows and pigs, the family had a nice income. But the family was growing too and their needs also grew. There was a necessity for more land. The 14 acres in Richmond was sold. Then 40 acres joining the northwest corner of the 160 acres was bought from Enoch Tripp, a brother-in-law. Another 80 acres was purchased from another brother-in-law, William Tripp, which joined the 40 acres. A few years later 45 acres were obtained from Enoch Tripp, making a total of 325 acres.

All were kept busy with cattle and pigs as there was much to be done. Children were going to school, William Ariah, the oldest, was at BY College in Logan. There was need for a hired man and sometimes more during the cropping season. At times a hired girl was needed too. Fannie’s aged mother had come to live with them. A big, long kitchen table with seventeen places had a lot of work connected with it. Always J.W. would say family prayer, also the blessing on the food. He was sincere in what he believed and practiced the same.
Alice, the tenth child, recalls, “My precious memory is the heart warming manner in which our father prayed. I have a clear vision of father, mother and we children kneeling in morning and evening prayer. The room was always tidy and clean, which served to create a pleasant atmosphere like a benediction.
“Father approached our Heavenly Father with simplicity and love, quiet grace and firm unyielding faith. Always first to express humble thanks for manifold blessings bestowed upon us.
“Some never to be forgotten phrases were: ‘We thank Thee for the light of the gospel, for Thy servants, for each other…Help us to so order our lives that we will be worthy of exaltation in Thy presence. Fill our minds so full of good, that evil cannot enter. Wilt Thou temper the elements for our good…Help us to live busy useful lives and overcome our weaknesses. Forgive us of our short comings and take lead of our thoughts, words and actions. Bless the authorities of the Church, our missionaries in the field, comfort those who mourn. Let Thy protecting care and guidance abide with us at all times.’“
The cows J.W. had at this time were every color and size, grown in a mixed herd. They were not what he wanted. He arranged a trade with a Mr. White in Gentile Valley, for a good herd of Holstein cows. Each drove his herd to Treasurton, made the trade, and drove their new herd back to their homes. There were some calves in the Holstein herd and on the way home many people came out to see them. It was the first all Holstein herd in the valley. They were not accustomed to alfalfa for feed and the first night four cows became bloated and died. The rest of the herd did very well and gave lots of milk. It was a good trade.
Skim milk was a good feed for the pigs, so J.W. bought a hand turned cream separator. Not long after he purchased a pony treadmill, for separating the cream and milk. Elmer’s pony was used to run the tread mill and he was the one to take care of it and see that the pigs were fed. Pigs are known for being greedy and they never had sense enough to quit when they were full. The first ones to the trough would drink more milk than they should, so they bloated up like a cow — several died. The feeding method was changed and things went better.
Another hazard, the sows would have their young in the summer out in the field, in a ditch or by a fence. Then the coyotes would come at night and get some of the little pigs, occasionally all of them. The loss of the pigs meant a loss of income, so this was a difficult and serious problem to manage.
Around 1900 J.W. and a neighbor, Lewis Baker, agreed to buy a new threshing machine together. Before the machine was delivered, Baker decided to go to Canada, leaving J.W. alone with the machine. After using it for two years, he had a chance to sell it.
The 160 acres was producing alfalfa, wheat, oats and potatoes. Production was good and with the cows and pigs, the family had a nice income. But the family was growing too and their needs also grew. There was a necessity for more land. The 14 acres in Richmond was sold. Then 40 acres joining the northwest corner of the 160 acres was bought from Enoch Tripp, a brother-in-law. Another 80 acres was purchased from another brother-in-law, William Tripp, which joined the 40 acres. A few years later 45 acres were obtained from Enoch Tripp, making a total of 325 acres.
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Original picture of the one to the left. Writing states it was actually taken in 1921 |

Alice, the tenth child, recalls, “My precious memory is the heart warming manner in which our father prayed. I have a clear vision of father, mother and we children kneeling in morning and evening prayer. The room was always tidy and clean, which served to create a pleasant atmosphere like a benediction.
“Father approached our Heavenly Father with simplicity and love, quiet grace and firm unyielding faith. Always first to express humble thanks for manifold blessings bestowed upon us.
“Some never to be forgotten phrases were: ‘We thank Thee for the light of the gospel, for Thy servants, for each other…Help us to so order our lives that we will be worthy of exaltation in Thy presence. Fill our minds so full of good, that evil cannot enter. Wilt Thou temper the elements for our good…Help us to live busy useful lives and overcome our weaknesses. Forgive us of our short comings and take lead of our thoughts, words and actions. Bless the authorities of the Church, our missionaries in the field, comfort those who mourn. Let Thy protecting care and guidance abide with us at all times.’“

After J.W. returned from his mission he was concerned about his children, especially the four older boys. He knew they would soon be getting married and his thoughts were for their welfare. With this in mind, in 1905 or 1906 he bought a 420 acre farm from Mr. Blakely, north of American Falls, Idaho, on the Snake River. All of it was river bottom land. A spring of water called “Big Hole Spring” went with the land and because it was located two miles from the farms, a ditch had to be made to carry the water to the farm. It was a difficult task to accomplish, as was clearing the sage brush, grass and other vegetation growing on the land.
With long days and years of hard work, the land was cleared and crops were growing. Two rough lumber houses were built and cattle were driven from Lewiston up to the ranch twice and back to Lewiston once. It took four long days for the drive. In the summer, the mosquitoes were bad and at night they’d all but carry you away. Fishing on the river was good and they caught many fish. It took a full day to go to the nearest town, American Falls, to the post office and to shop.
Some time later there were rumors that a dam was to be put in at American Falls, which would include much land up the river and also J.W.’s 420 acres. The rumors soon turned to reality. As plans went ahead American Falls town was moved. The government made all the arrangements for the land the dam would cover. They set their own price on the land and the owners could do nothing but take it. J.W. didn’t get what he wanted for his land and the family never knew what amount he received. The land deal didn’t turn out at all as he had planned. His 420 acre farm and two houses have now laid under water for over 80 years (1989).
In the winter of 1919 and 1920 he filled a second mission for six months. This time to the Southern States, with Atlanta, Georgia as the headquarters. Fannie carried on with the home affairs. Sixteen years had passed since the first mission. The family had grown. Many of them were married. Fannie’s duties were much different from those of the first mission in 1903. Time hurried on and the mission was soon over and he was home again.
J.W. and Fannie were great civic leaders and active in community welfare. He served as the president of the Cubriver Irrigation Co. for many years. He worked long and hard to help make things better for the coming generations. He toiled for some forty years to get land leveled, fenced, watered, and drained. He helped to build churches, schools, roads, ditches, drains, electric lines and rail roads. He was chairman of the railroad committee, which was successful in getting the railroad from Sugerton to Kents and on to Amalga, where a sugar factory was built. He thrilled at all the improvements as they came, one by one, felt a measure paid for the part he played in all of them.
On July 10, 1921, he was called to serve as first counselor to Bishop Joseph Bergeson, in the Lewiston 2nd Ward. He served in this position until July of 1926. He was always serving the Lord in some church activity and Fannie the same. They were indeed missionaries of the gospel. While he was away from home preaching the gospel, she was doing the same at home, in her ward and among her family. They both had a strong testimony of the gospel and taught the gospel to their children.

The children honored their parents on the Golden Wedding anniversary in December of 1933. J.W.’s health started to fail in the early 1930’s, gradually growing worse until the 10th of November 1936 when he passed quietly on at the age of 75. He was born on the 10th of the month and passed on, on the 10th of the month. Fannie passed away six years later on 20 December 1942 at the age of 76. Both were some of Cache Valley’s most respected pioneers.
John William Boman passed away, November 10, 1936, aged 75 years, 7 months.
Fannie Elizabeth Brower passed away December 20, 1946, aged 76 years, 4 months, & 26 days.
They are buried in the Richmond City Cemetery
John William's Ordinances Complete
John William Boman passed away, November 10, 1936, aged 75 years, 7 months.
Fannie Elizabeth Brower passed away December 20, 1946, aged 76 years, 4 months, & 26 days.
They are buried in the Richmond City Cemetery
John William's Ordinances Complete
Baptism - 19 October 1869
Confirmation - 19 October 1869
Initiatory - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Endowment - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Sealing to Parents - 13 June 1917 Logan Utah Temple
Sealing to Spouse - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Confirmation - 19 October 1869
Initiatory - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Endowment - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Sealing to Parents - 13 June 1917 Logan Utah Temple
Sealing to Spouse - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Baptism - 23 April 1979 Salt Lake Temple
Confirmation - 1 July 1876
Initiatory - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Endowment - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Sealing to Parents - Born in the Covenant
Sealing to Spouse - 12 June 1884 Logan Utah Temple
Tribute to a Wonderful Woman
given in Relief Society by her daughter
Phoebe B. Pitcher
Sister Fannie E. Boman was born in Richmond, Utah July 24, 1866. She spent her childhood days there and in 1883 she married John William Boman. They continued to reside at Richmond where seven of their fourteen children were born.
They moved to Lewiston. The second year at Lewiston, Sister Boman made from 25 to 30 pounds of butter a week — this she sold in Richmond. She would get up early in the morning, get breakfast work done and set dinner on the table for the men working in the field. Then she would get her butter from her dug-out cellar packed into a cart and with four little boys, all fresh and clean sitting beside her, she would make it to Richmond before the sun was hot enough to melt the butter. It was always as hard and cool as when she left home. Because of the quality of the butter, she received fifteen cents a pound, while the market price at that time was eight to ten cents. Her butter was always in demand.
Sister Boman was [sic] been sincere and faithful in her church duties. She labored eight years in the Primary organization. At three different time was president of the Y.W.M.I.A. President and counselor in the Relief Society. Also a teacher in School and a visiting teacher in Relief Society for many years.
Her hobbies are sewing, working in the garden, especially the flower garden, and writing, at the present time she keeps a correspondence with relatives on both sides of the family.
She loves genealogy work and has gathered a thousand names for baptisms, endowments and sealings.
At the time of the flu epidemic, Sister Boman was on a committee to see that the sick were taken care of, and needless to say, she spent many days and nights administering and giving words of encouragement to patients.
Besides rearing her own children, thirteen of which are still living, she gladly took care of her mother until she passed away.
Her home has always been open house for relatives and friends both old and young. Everyone is welcome at Grandma Boman’s.
She still, at the age of seventy-three, thoroughly enjoys life and is a great comfort to her family and friends.
She has sixty-two grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren.
Hers has indeed been a life of usefulness and service and may I say to Sister Boman, “We admire you for what you have accomplished through struggle and strife. We appreciate the words of encouragement and comfort you have given us. We honor you for the wonderful testimony you have gained by righteous living. We respect you for the unselfish service you have so cheerfully rendered. We love you dear Sister for the wonderful example you have set. You are truly an outstanding woman in Zion.”
Her favorite hymns are:
High On a Mountain Top
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Oh, My Father
Should You Feel Inclined to Censure
***To see the purpose of starting this blog, please click here.***
Sister Boman was [sic] been sincere and faithful in her church duties. She labored eight years in the Primary organization. At three different time was president of the Y.W.M.I.A. President and counselor in the Relief Society. Also a teacher in School and a visiting teacher in Relief Society for many years.
Her hobbies are sewing, working in the garden, especially the flower garden, and writing, at the present time she keeps a correspondence with relatives on both sides of the family.
She loves genealogy work and has gathered a thousand names for baptisms, endowments and sealings.
At the time of the flu epidemic, Sister Boman was on a committee to see that the sick were taken care of, and needless to say, she spent many days and nights administering and giving words of encouragement to patients.
Besides rearing her own children, thirteen of which are still living, she gladly took care of her mother until she passed away.
Her home has always been open house for relatives and friends both old and young. Everyone is welcome at Grandma Boman’s.
She still, at the age of seventy-three, thoroughly enjoys life and is a great comfort to her family and friends.
She has sixty-two grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren.
Hers has indeed been a life of usefulness and service and may I say to Sister Boman, “We admire you for what you have accomplished through struggle and strife. We appreciate the words of encouragement and comfort you have given us. We honor you for the wonderful testimony you have gained by righteous living. We respect you for the unselfish service you have so cheerfully rendered. We love you dear Sister for the wonderful example you have set. You are truly an outstanding woman in Zion.”
Her favorite hymns are:
High On a Mountain Top
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Oh, My Father
Should You Feel Inclined to Censure
***To see the purpose of starting this blog, please click here.***
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